
English Lounge 6/5 Topic (인문관 217호)

1st Session


1. Introduce yourself.

2. How was your weekend?

3. Can you eat anything?

4. Do you think your country’s food is the best?


Food Tourism: Eating Is the New Sightseeing


How do you decide where to go on vacation? Is it the local landmarks? The beautiful beaches?


Or do you choose your next vacation based on the food?


"Food tourism" is where people travel to new places to try the local food, and it's become popular in recent years.


Food tourism can take many forms, such as trying street food, visiting food markets, or eating at local restaurants.


And a 2023 survey from HelloFresh found that 74% of Americans who have traveled in the last five years went for the food.


The top four countries that Americans said they'd want to visit for their food are Italy, France, Spain, and Japan.


Food is an important part of vacations for British people, too.


A 2022 survey by Eurostar asked 2000 Brits what their main reason was for choosing where to go on a city break.


Sixty-one percent of people said "the food," and 41% of people said they would travel hundreds of kilometers to find the perfect meal.


And some people like to get involved in the cooking themselves 46% of people said they have taken part in cooking lessons when traveling.


The survey also found that Brits like to try new and different foods when they are traveling, and nearly half of people believe that they are more adventurous with what they eat when they are away from home.


A OnePoll survey from 2023 found that Italy, Spain and France are the top three European countries that British people choose to visit for the food.


Have you ever traveled somewhere just for the food?

2. What's the best meal you've ever had while traveling?

3. Have you ever been disappointed by the local food while traveling?

4. What parts of your country would you recommend to food tourists?


2nd session


1. Introduce yourself.

2. It's June now, do you feel time is fast or slow?

3. Would you prefer to meet new people at a party or online?

4. Have you joined any social networking sites? Are they fun?


Be Real: Do Influencers Need to Be Authentic?



Now, for some people being an “influencer’ or YouTuber’ can be quite good ways to make money. And most businesses say that influencers are an important part of their social media strategy.


But according to a social media data company, not all businesses know what customers want from influencers. To find out, Sprout Social asked 2,000 people about the qualities they look for from influencers.


The most common thing that people look for is someone who shares the same values as they do more than half the people who were surveyed said this.


About 47% of people also said they look for authenticity. That means influencers who seem to be genuine and real in what they say, even when they're working on sponsored content.


However, fewer younger adults said that authenticity is important to them. In fact, the survey showed that they are more interested in how many followers the influencer has.


So, do influencers need to be authentic?


When they're getting paid by a company, they're really just doing the same thing as a famous person advertising a product on TV.


But how many celebrities really love the product they've been paid to put their name and face to?


Some social media experts say that more is expected of influencers. They may not need to actually be authentic, but they do need to look like they are authentic so that customers believe it.


However, the survey also found that 67% of people want to see content from influencers that is "unbiased and honest."


Perhaps it's not such an easy job after all!


1. What is the most common thing that people look for in influencers?

2. What percentage of people want unbiased and honest content from influencers?

3. Do you think you'd enjoy working as a YouTuber or influencer?

4. Do you think the world would be better off without social media?

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